We get it …

Buying a property in Ecuador is a big decision for anyone. Most people research this kind of decision for years before they finally make a choice.

Let us help you decide…

Sunset over the pool
Sunset over the pool
The Ocean View Suite
The Ocean View Suite
Entry way to the Main Villa upper and lower suites
Entry way to the Main Villa upper and lower suites


There’s not too many people that will buy a property in another country site-unseen.

Come to Ecuador and stay at our property in one of our on-site units.

If you end up buying the property, we’ll REFUND the cost of your flight and up to 2 weeks accommodations at our villa.

Contact us for all the details today.

View from the Main Villa upper suite
View from the Main Villa upper suite


Yes, we’re selling the property but we’re not leaving Puerto López or Ecuador. We’re downsizing at bit.

The plan is simple. We sell it to you and then we’ll build another house in Puerto López.

While that’s happening, we’re going to need a place to live. So we’ll rent one of the units from you for a year (minimum). GUARANTEED. That’s $18k in income the first year for you!